My Top 10 Things To Do in Israel
- Walk a part of the Israel National Trail. This is also known as Shvil Yisrael. It is a network of trails that extends from the top of Israel starting in Tel Dan, and travels almost 1000 km until it reaches Eilat. I’ve hiked most of it and it’s an awesome way to see Israel in its multi-diversity.
- Visit the Kotel/Western Wall on Friday night. I like going to the Western Wall at any time to pray. (Though in the afternoon when there is no shade it’s not as comfortable.) Especially nice is the Western Wall on Friday night when thousands of travelers, soldiers, and locals meet to sing, dance, and pray together.
- Spend a couple of days getting spiritual in Tzfat. Tzfat is the place to reconnect with your spiritual self. It is where all the holy guys who studied and wrote commentary on the kabbala lived and many continue to live. Tzfat is ancient mystical city and a few days to a few weeks there can revive and recharge the soul.
- Float in the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is full of minerals and stuff that will do wonders for the body. When I float there I feel like my mind, body, and spirit are healing. I also make sure to take the time and cover myself in mud, to get that must-have Dead Sea mud-covered face picture.
- Spend a night or two in the desert. The desert in Israel is magical. I love to hike during the day and then at night look up at the stars. Especially cool is doing a camel trek for a few days where the camel can carry food, water, and firewood. Also fun for me is spending a night with the Bedouins in a Bedouin tent.
- Climb the Arbel for sunrise. The Arbel is an awesome mountain. In its rock cliff face there is an old castle built into it. At sunrise you get a magical view over the Kinneret. Also cool is Mount Meron at sunrise, though it is often crowded with school students. Masada is nice but more of a do once or twice thing.
- Swim in the Kinneret, and/or the Red Sea. Depends what end of Israel you are. Israel does not have many bodies of water but there is something magically special about the few that it does have. There are also some beautiful wadis and small swimming areas around Israel that can be found on a day hike.
- Watch the sunset on Tel Aviv beach. After a swim in the ocean, a run along the beach, or just chilling out having a drink with some friends along the boardwalk, I like to watch the sun set. Once I saw three Israeli fighter helicopters fly past and it was like something from the movies.
- Visit the Great Synagogue on Shabbat morning. For me I like Chazzanut and choirs, so I like to go to the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem to hear their Chazzan and choir perform. Even the tourists come here. It’s one of the best Jewish Synagogue choirs out there. I like to relax in the Synagogue and enjoy the show.
- Wonder through a shuk. Pick a shuk/marketplace: Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Tzfat, any of them. It is an experience. I like to go with my backpack and buy fruits and vegetables, breads, cheeses, and humus. And when my pack is full, I know I’ve got enough food for the week.
Top 10 Photos to take When in Israel