The persistent surf pounding on the rocky shores, sunsets to inspire the imagination, grass as green as it gets, and the dark blue waters of the ocean, rainbows, and air with intoxicating purity.

I have now been one week walking and exploring around Easter Island. The massive Maoi statutes are scattered along the coast, some standing tall and majestic and others with their faces in the ground. People have all kinds of theories as to who built them and for what reasons. One thing is certain, they were not worshiped.

I see them gazing out over the land with looks of contemplation, that inspire thoughts of reflection and meditation.

I stand alone on a small hill in the middle of nowhere. Not a smell, sound, or sight of human influence. I felt like it was just me and the creative force of the world. I saw the sky over the sea turn fiery red. The clouds change shape amidst an ocean of blue.  And like magic, a full moon rose and appeared to stand still. My eyes filled with tears and for the first time I experienced that beauty and not only suffering can bring tears to the eyes.



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