The Jewish Bucket List

Hey all, I’ve been inspired to create a Jewish bucket list for my readers on Traveling Rabbi.

Would love to hear your ideas, maybe comment here or send them to me so I can compile them all together.

100 Things for your Jewish Bucket List…

100 things to do in Israel…

100 kosher Foods to try before you die…

100 Jewish rituals to observe…

100 Synagogues to visit…


Here is an Idea of my Jewish Bucket list so far in no particular order:

  1. Visit The Western Wall
  2. Go on an all-inclusive Pesach retreat
  3. Make the perfect bowl of Chicken soup
  4. Tefilin Challenge for 30 days
  5. Tiffilin challenge for one year
  6. Charity Challenge: give every day for 30 days
  7. Charity challenge for one year
  8. Be president of some organization: WIZO, B’nei Brith, JNF etc.
  9. Re-learn Bar Mitzvah Haftorah
  10. Light Shabbat Candles for one year every Friday
  11. Visit the great Synagogue in Sydney
  12. Enjoy a service in the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem
  13. Eat a felafel on the streets of Jerusalem or Tel Aviv
  14. Snorkel or Scuba dive in the Red Sea
  15. Float in the Dead Sea
  16. Throw a Chanukah party with homemade jelly doughnuts and latkas
  17. Bake your own hamentachen on Purim and send to at least ten people
  18. Convince your Rabbi to let you give a Saturday morning Sermon
  19. Visit the oldest Synagogue in your country, State, Province, continent, world
  20. Raise 10,000- 50k or 100k for your favourite Jewish Charity
  21. Serves on a board of something you believe in: Synagogue, School, etc.
  22. Write a Jewish Cook book with all your Bubes, mother, friends, and your own favourite kosher recipes
  23. Write a Jewish book, on anything
  24. Go on a kosher cruise
  25. Meet your favourite Jewish Author, Rabbi, Sports personality, Singer
  26. Host a Friday night dinner
  27. Fast the whole Yom Kippur (no cheating)
  28. Complete all 5 fast days during the year (start with no food then no water)
  29. Study a tractate of Talmud
  30. Learn to sing 5 Shabbat songs
  31. Learn to blow the shofar and blow it every day for the month of Ellul
  32. Pray at the burial site of some famous Rabbi or great Jewish leader you admire
  33. Don’t talk for the entire Yom Kippur
  34. Break your Yom Kippur fast with your best friend or family member with a l’chaim on a whisky or down a beer (consult your doctor first)
  35. Build a Sukkah
  36. Decorate a Sukkah
  37. Make a blessing in the Sukkah on each day of Sukkot
  38. Be the last one dancing on Simchat Torah
  39. Go to the hospital/orphanage etc. and give Chanukah gelt (money) and chocolates
  40. Get dressed up on Purim as your favourite superhero, movie character etc.
  41. Host  a Purim Hamentachen swap
  42. Learn to chant the Meggilat Esther
  43. Participate in a Passover Seder that goes until 5:00am or later…(this way no one will have out done you!)
  44. Bake your own matzah
  45. Host your own Seder
  46. Learn to recite the mansihtana in a foreign language. Make it extreme, maybe in Swahili or Urdu…something unique!
  47. Develop perfect vocal sound effects for the ‘chad gadya’ song: a cat, dog, Angel of death…
  48. Eat the right amount of Matzah according to the Rabbi. Not just a bitsy piece…go on eat three whole Maztahs!
  49. Count the Omer every day until Shavout
  50. Do something special for Yom Hashoah: ideas
  51. Visit Auschwitz
  52. Send flowers, cookies, to some Israeli soldiers with a card telling them how much you love them, on Yom Hazikaron
  53. Learn Israeli dancing
  54. Make your own falafel balls
  55. Walk the National Israel Trail. All of it or part of it
  56. Study in depth the history of Israel. Read a few books
  57. Stay up and study the whole night of Shavout
  58. Bake your own cheesecake, blintzes and lasagne. Make your own ice cream
  59. Volunteer for a month in Israel, on a kibbutz, Magen David Adom, in a hospital, study centre..
  60. Successfully make a shiduch (match a couple who get married)
  61. Go on the ‘March of The Living’
  62. Learn to speak, read, write Hebrew
  63. Learn to read and speak Yiddish
  64. Visit the death camps in Poland
  65. Start a Jewish Charity for something you believe in
  66. Visit one hundred Chabbad houses around the world
  67. Fly first class on El Al (is it any better?)
  68. ???
  69. ??
  70. ?

10 Responses to “The Jewish Bucket List”

  1. Jeffrey Cohen says:

    - learn shisha sidrei mishnah
    - complete a daf yomi cycle
    - be able to read a daf of gemara without the English translation


  1. Things to do Before You Die Without Setting Goals | Travelling Rabbi - [...] here for ideas to put on your Jewish bucket [...]

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