Akiva’s First Time in the Ocean!

I was 24 years old the first time I saw the Pacific Ocean (interestingly enough, I was with Rabbi Ben when I saw it, from Chile). Akiva saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time when he was only a few days old.  In fact, as of right now it is the only ocean he has ever seen.  Because he was born at the end of fall/beginning of winter, he was not able to go into the ocean previously – it was too cold.  So last week I took him on his first trip into the ocean!

I only took him in where it was a few inches deep and I held him tightly. Still, a small wave came along and splashed him.  It frightened Akiva and that was the end of his adventuring in his ocean for that day! We will have to try again another time.  Still, it was a momentous occasion for him!


One Response to “Akiva’s First Time in the Ocean!”

  1. Looks just like daddy!

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