Sunset in Adelaide

Yesterday evening I left the Synagogue and beheld this magnificent sunset. It got me thinking, why is there no blessing on a beautiful sunset. We make a beracha on smelling a nice smell, like a rose. And this blessing could be made every day. So why not on a beautiful sunset every day?

We make blessings when seeing the ocean, the grand canyon and other magnificent creations of G-d.

Anyone have an answer?


2 Responses to “Is There a Blessing/Beracah to Make on a Beautiful Sunset”

  1. Pintele Yid says:

    There is a brachah every day in the evening prayer which applies to sunset:
    Baruch atah…”who with his word brings on evenings…rolls the light away from before the darkness”.
    Beautiful colours are an added bonus when you take time to smell the roses…or see the sunset.
    So your brachah was made.

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