Fireworks over the Atlantic Ocean at Hollywood Beach, near Miami Florida celebrate the 4th of July

People often celebrate the 4th of July with fireworks. In South Florida, people enjoy setting them off over the water at the beach.

The flags are flying outside and people are walking around in a happy mood. Even if they don’t care much for what the fourth of July represents, they are in a good mood because they don’t need to work today.

I believe it is important for Jewish people to show their support to the United States, which gives freedom of religion. America’s freedom of religion goes back as far as 1649 and was a blessing for Jewish people seeking a place to practice Judaism freely.

What’s interesting is that there were countries that gave the freedom to openly practice one’s religion long before America. People in Poland had the right to worship freely throughout the 15th century, and in 1573 complete freedom of religion was granted. But as history has shown us, what is written on paper and what is actually practiced can be two different things.

Thank G-d Americans actually do practice freedom of religion and for this we must be thankful, and besides since when does one need an excuse to get together with some friends and celebrate!

Happy Fourth of July?


One Response to “Should Jews Celebrate the 4th of July, and How Should Jewish People Celebrate the Fourth of July?”

  1. Some Jewish people feel uncomfortable celebrating certain secular holidays. Some holidays, like Halloween and New Year’s Eve, actually have pagan origins and it’s important to learn more about them before you celebrate them. But July 4th is a completely secular holiday and doesn’t celebrate anything religious at all. Therefore, there is no problem in Judaism with celebrating it!

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