This is me in Brazil in 2007 laying on a rock with a 1000 foot drop below. Wow, I almost invented planking except it is not a pure plank because my body is not entirely horizontal.

The new craze of planking has to be one of the stupidest things ever to happen. The craze has recently got one person killed and now the world is debating just how safe planking is. Well for starters I thought that the Traveling Rabbi should go out and do a plank if he’s going to comment on planking. Perhaps this planking business provides some deep meditative G-dly experience… and how would I know without trying?

So after much deliberation, I found a peaceful patch of grass to plank on. I held the position for a few seconds and have concluded that things like skiing, mountain biking, and paragliding are far more exciting than planking.

The world is arguing how safe planking is. This is an important question because if planking is considered dangerous, than a Jew would not be allowed to plank. A Jew is not allowed to put their life purposely in danger. After trying planking in the garden outside, my conclusion is: If I stayed in the plank position for the next month, I could die of starvation, otherwise I do not see any inherent danger in the plank itself…

Reverse Planking on the Salt plains, known as Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia

…So I’ve been thinking, what about doing a reverse plank? Because I’ve already done a few of them, like this reverse plank I am doing on

the salt plains in Bolivia. I think people should also do reverse planks, which maybe people will start planking in reverse once once the novelty of planking face done wears off.

Then  I thought, what if I flip this picture? Now I have an impossible plank, it’s like I’m planking in the sky with lots of other miniature plankers…Well what if this was in an zero gravity space? Than there would be no up , down or sideways and thus the plank position in itself would be of essence not the direction of the plank?

An impossible plank in Bolivia with multiple plankers

Okay, I’m applying way to much scholarly thinking to this whole planking subject.

So if you have nothing to do, go plank!

See my other articles on planking


6 Responses to “Is Planking Safe For Jews?”


  1. What is Planking, Why are People Planking, and How to go Planking | Traveling Rabbi - [...] My other post on planking [...]
  2. Planking: one person died from planking, and one person is in a Coma from planking so Why am I still Planking? | Traveling Rabbi - [...] [...]

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